Each option provides ~45 calories, 0 gram carbohydrate, 0 gram protein, 5 grams fat

(1 choice = 1 serving = 1 option)


1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp. canola oil

8 large olives

2 Tbsp. avocado

1 Tbsp. Smart Balance Light spread

6-8 almonds

4-5 walnut halves

6 cashews

4-5 pecan halves

10 peanuts

1 Tbsp. sesame, pumpkin or sunflower seeds

2 tsp. tahini (sesame paste)

1 ½ tsp. natural peanut butter

2 Tbsp. hummus

Acceptable on occasion

1 tsp. butter

1 Tbsp. low fat mayonnaise

1 tsp. mayonnaise

2 Tbsp. low fat salad dressing

1 Tbsp. cream cheese

1 ½ Tbsp. sour cream

2 Tbsp. half and half

4 oz red wine*

*Alcohol calories = empty calories (depending upon the wine, 4 oz will provide 65-100 calories)

  • If including alcohol, count as fat servings on your meal plan.  Drink the alcohol with food rather than by itself.
  • Moderation is key       ® 1 drink/day for women

            ® 2 drinks/day for men

  • 1 drink = ~90 calories (approximately)

                        4 oz wine

                        12 oz light beer

                        1½ oz liquor

                        4 oz champagne