Each option provides ~60 calories, 15 grams carbohydrate, 0 gram protein, 0 gram fat
(1 choice = 1 serving = 1 option)
3 prunes
¾ cup blueberries
1 ¼ cups whole strawberries
1 cup raspberries
12 cherries
½ large grapefruit
1 small apple
2 plums
1 medium peach
1 small orange
16 grapes
1 large kiwi
½ mango
½ large banana
4 whole apricots
1/3 medium papaya
1 small pear
½ cup blackberries
½ pomegranate or 4 oz. pomegranate juice
Acceptable on occasion
1 ¼ cups cubed watermelon
1 cup cubed honeydew or cantaloupe
½ cup cubed fresh pineapple
4 oz. juice (orange, apple, grape, cranberry, grapefruit, pineapple)
½ cup unsweetened applesauce
½ cup canned fruit in water
3 dates
2 Tbsp. raisins
Tip to remember:
- Buy organic if possible, particularly the fruits with an edible skin (i.e., strawberries, apples, berries, etc.)
- Choose whole fruits rather than juices
- Choose fresh or frozen rather than canned