Client Workout Routines Section
The workout routines in this section are for our client to access their personal program. These workout routines include everything you will need. Start training and getting results quickly. All Workout routines are in ( 12 weeks/3-months) intervals. Therefore, keeping the routine fresh and keeping your body guessing.
(Each Clients Workout Routine is Password Protected).
As a client, we will provide a workout routine for you to follow. Our simple 10-second video clips demonstrate the exercises for you. The plan will consist of upper and lower body exercises. Therefore the frequency and level of difficulty will vary. We are always basing the routine on your fitness level. The significant part is that you can be a beginner, intermediate or advanced in your fitness level and have a very successful workout routine.
Try A Workout Routine and Join the DIYFIT Family
If you are not currently part of the diyfit family, please join and become a satisfied client. Complete our contact us page. By clicking below we will send you a complimentary workout routine. The workout routine consists of 3 exercises. After that, you will become part of the DIYFIT Fitness Family of Clients.
Workout Routines For Clients Below
- Stacey Simitses
- Marci Markward
- April Murphy
- Ed Williams
- Nesryn Escandar
- Josh Fox
- Brian Rahl
- Sam Bartoletta
- Lisa Gazzero
- Susana Livingston
- Jodi Eckman
- Grace Macchiaverna
- Irena Gelfand
- Theresa Pasquinelli
- Amy Gilson